i have a blog now..
come n visit
Monday, December 29, 2008
X-file ! The Unsolved !
After the Seremban trip, on the way home, Kai called me and told me there's a weird picture in his camera. He sent it to me and i was like....
Stunned for 7 seconds...
Later that night, i showed it to Mr Yu and we got no idea what the **** was that. We analyzed it for quite long and didn't get any conclusion. So we decided to post that picture after a while.
And now is the time.
Click to view!
To Edmund: X-file doesn't mean XXX.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas
I will be going to Penang soon , so I will wish everyone a Merry Christmas first , whether you celebrate it or not :)
Here's a small present for 5 Hope friends. Merry Christmas !
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The day at Mr Yu's house...
Day to mr yu's house
Once upon a time...
23 5 hope happy school leavers planned to go to their Ex-teacher's old house
However, when the day came, only 12 person(+1) going...
11 of them gathered at ktm at serdang and kajang
and another 2 person going by car
they met yu at seremban ktm...
they went to A&W for lunch
after lunch,
they went to mall for LanC(junk food) and things for bbq
yu suggested to go temple...
they WALK to yu's house from bus station
and walk
and walk...
and walk???
reached yu's house
while resting
they took turns to have cold bath (no hot water)
while waiting they played cards...
at around 3AM we slept,
but some crazy energized guys still play cards till 5-6AM
yu is the one to woke the earliest
he made breakfast for us
in the morning the water is really COLD
three heroes challenged the water
speech from heroes
mr kit : freezing...
mr kai : dont try this at home...
mr yang : is cold...
around 12pm
they started packing and ready to leave...
before they leave they have a group photo
this is it
end of whole trip
is really fun
sad for those who did not come
ps:(no comment about my drawing please i just want to make it interesting to see)
(some drawing are fiction)
(no copyright)
(give comment too)
photo (day at mr yu house) download
mryu house vol 1
mryu house vol 1.5
mryu house vol 2
GC edit:
I've uploaded those pictures from my camera also, download here:
Mediafire folder
(is the same actually)
To Kai : Really nice comic, i will never forget this trip in my whole life...
Good news: This blog is already indexed by google search engine! Very fast it will appear in google.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Bday goin end in 20minutes~
Hello evrybody~me as bday boy here to apologize for ffk-ing seremban trip~^^dn blame me ya...
ntg say~
aiya...reli ntg say ler cuz giap force me to write so...i am so innocent
Okay...everyone is waiting for the photo right? we need some time. While waiting, lets have a look at the few photos below first as preview.
Guess who is this? Mr. Unknown. Picture 1.
Guess! Picture 2.
Mr Yu is so serious right? Guess what happenned behind me.
What's going on?
Warning! Scary photo, be ready before you click!
Picture 5
Please vote for that scary picture.
1 - Not scary at all
2 - Scary but fake a bit
3 - Good, some people will believe
4 - Very Scary and creepy but still can improve
5 - Prefect lights, colours and postition very very scary
P/s : There will be an X-file picture coming soon. It is a ghost picture taken by unknown. That picture is REAL, and there is a guy and a shadow....
- GC -
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
P/S: Contents in this entry are for joking purpose only. No hard feelings.
Below are those 7 who are WANTED !
For "FFK-ing" (flying aeroplane) the seremban class gathering. Pls contact Mr Yu for more detail. If caught please contact 016-1234567.
Cash rewards:
Information about their location - $1,000
Alive - $100,000
Dead - $70,000
Lala Zai - $1,000,000
Reminder: Contents in this entry are for joking purpose only. No hard feelings.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Are you serious?
Are you people really serious about the outing next week, 11-12/12/08? Well, if yes, please make some noise in here. What? I still cant hear you.
Edmund! SCREAM...................!
Still too quiet.
I wonder sometimes if those so call aliens from outer space are able to surf the net and then view this blog.
Ok enough of talking craps (like Edmund).
Here is the list everyone is waiting for....(ish....so big already takan dont know what to bring...leceh betul all these kids...) :
1. BLANKETS (in case Edmund do not know what is that : its SELIMUT..bukan SEMUT)
- Bring 2 better. One to cover the floor where you are gonna to sleep and the other one to cover yourself. It can be quite cold at night esp when it is raining. DS: yes you may bring your sleeping bag but then it will be too much for you to carry.
2. SANDALS (Edmund it is SELIPAR oh..not SCANDAL..lol)
- I am sure you people do not want to still wearing your sport shoes during BBQ session.
3. TOWEL (Edmund should know what is that bah...)
- For you to "MAT SAN" after a refreshing shower, Lol..Salwa you know what is that means?
4. TOILETRIES (Edmund...dont bring your toilet yeah..its T-O-I-L-E-T-R-I-E-S.. go google la).
- You people can discuss and share like toothpaste etc...make sure you all bring if not you wash your face with my big bottle of FAB detergent. lol
- In case you are like me, cant sleep without something to support your head + neck. Then you better bring that but not too big cause you will ve prb carrying it esp when you have to board KTM.
6. SUITABLE ATTIRE (Edmund ...i dont ve to explain on this rite? you pls keep your BLAZER/COAT...etc in the wardrobe)
- Girls...pls no evening gowns...keep for your prom nite la and expect to SWEAT alot. ESP during BBQ.
Last but not least..
7. Anything that can produce lights but NOT candles.
- EXP: Torch Light - the bigger the better. I saw few in Midvalley which do not need batteries to function. Cool. If you are lazy to bring it back then donate it to the HOUSE:)) - Fluorescent one better.
So, there you go. If you have any other suggestions or Extra important items to be brought which i have left out here, pls leave your message here.
P/S: Khong Pui Teng will be coming. She will be the tea lady. No objections pls. The HOUSE allows.... SALWA to take care of her.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Everything started must come to an END....
Every year I see youngsters come and go. Seeing how they have changed...how much they have grown up and and soon leave.....surprisingly...I dont feel upset or sad about it at all. Lol...Why should I when i know this end is the very new beginning for them. I only feel missing them. Yes, I do...
and this is how it describes my feeling every year end....
Wishing them all the best in what ever they do.......
To let go does not mean to stop caring,
it means I can't do it for someone else.
To let go is not to cut myself off,
it's the realization I can't control another.
To let go is not to enable,
but allow learning from natural consequences.
To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means
the outcome is not in my hands.
To let go is not to try to change or blame another,
it's to make the most of myself.
To let go is not to care for,
but to care about.
To let go is not to fix,
but to be supportive.
To let go is not to judge,
but to allow another to be a human being.
To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes,
but to allow others to affect their destinies.
To let go is not to be protective,
it's to permit another to face reality.
To let go is not to deny,
but to accept.
To let go is not to nag, scold or argue,
but instead to search out my own shortcomings and correct them.
To let go is not to adjust everything to my desires,
but to take each day as it comes and cherish myself in it.
To let go is not to criticize or regulate anybody,
but to try to become what I dream I can be.
To let go is not to regret the past,
but to grow and live for the future.
To let go is to fear less and love more
Remember: The time to love is short
------ author unknown
Friday, November 28, 2008
Money is Important..but Money is not Everything..
I was doing SPRING CLEANING my phone's address book the other day..you know..deleting numbers that you don't need anymore so that it wont jam up your phone and making it becomes slower and slower and suddenly.....
I stopped at this number...oh..my 0162985xxx. Its Ms X. My course mate back in University time. We were so damn close back then staying at the same hostel (different room and block of course), meals together, did our assignments together and etc...Stop...not going to tell more..
OK. the thing is...we kind of like lost contact since we left Uni. Just too bad cos she has to go back to her hometown to take care of her parents. Once in a blue moon i did call her but she was always busy at the other end. Calls soon turned to become SMS. Worst, she didn't even bother to reply. It has been 9 years......since the last time i met her.
So, i decided to call her on that SPRING CLEANING day. She answered the call and i was damn excited. However, we don't ve much to talk about. Maybe i was a bit annoyed with the questions and comments that she made. I know i shouldn't but she has changed(or maybe not? maybe i just don't know her well enough... which i thought i did.. sigh..).
"Oh...u still driving the same car?"
(Yeah..am still driving the same car.)
"What? I have already changed 3 times"
(Oh...good for ya.)
"What about house? I am sure after so long...u must ve bought a house"
(oh...Not yet...plan to....soon...)
"I bought a 3 storey house in Subang. Are u kidding me or what? Where all your money gone?"
(ehrg....as you know..i am in the education line..so i don't earn as much as you)
"So are you the Principal now?"
(No....still teaching and don't think i want to be one.)
"Oh My....Seems to me...U don't ve much achievements. Lucky i din join the education line last time. You are still stuck there."
Well for that 15 mins conversation, she only talked about how great she was...and how much she has earned. I kept quiet and just listen.
Education and Teaching to me, is not just about making money. Yes no doubt i don't earn millions per year and i don't give a damn but the satisfaction that i got is really priceless. I just LOVE my job.
p/s: U ppl know wat satisfaction i am talking about? I got a card during the 2008 Fifth Former Graduation. It reads:-
Dear Mr X,
Sir, although i never attended your class before but i want to say THANK YOU. You ve work so hard for us. We knew it. I appreciate for your hard work. Sir, time flies. It has been another year for us. Form 5 students ended their high school life and wondering about the future.
A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others."
5 Grace
Year 2008.
Thank you too: XXXX XXXX XXX
Khong Pui Teng made me a 2009 Calendar featuring myself in the calendar..lol...
REALY thanks a lot..really appreciate it...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Time To Go To SEREMBAN!!!!!
It's already the 26th of November. SPM is always over (specially for those people who have EST as their last paper, because never again will you have to take SPM after this in your life). SPMwill officially be over before you know it. While most people will be upset when it's finally over because they'll never get to see their friends again, Senior 5 Hope doesn't have to be, because after SPM, we have a Seremban trip planned, to go to Mr. Yu's house.
Before SPM, we went through the details with Mr. Yu. Here, after some changes, i'm posting the revised version of the plan.
Date: 11th and 12th of December 2008
Time: 10am *this is the time when all of us will meet at either the Serdand or Kajang KTM
station -please comment on whether you want to meet at Serdang or Kajang*
The Programme will be as follows:
10.00am: Meet at the KTM station (Serdang/Kajang)
10.30am: Get in the train
11.30am: Reach Seremban KTM station (Mr. Yu will meet us there)
* After we reach, we will first go to the mall that is just opposite the KTM station and hang out there. Then we will have A&W, because Mr. Yu said that the A&W is just beside the mall and remember, MR. YU WILL BELANJA*
1.00pm: Go to another mall and see the whole town
*There is another mall at the west of the first mall, a bit further away (i think ) and we will hang out there. After that, we will take the bus and go to a temple that he wants us to see, and after the temple, we walk to his house*
4.00pm: Reach Mr. Yu's house. Bath, wash up and rest.
*Apparently, it will take about two hours for everyone to wash up*
6.00pm: Start preparing the barbecue.
7.00pm: Have the barbecue.
7.30pm: Play games, mahjong, tell ghost stories, and discussion session
*There might be something else for you to play also, but we won't tell you now what it is. I'll discuss with Giap Chin about it first. And the discussion session is where we all have to sit and discuss what we will do for Mr. Yu's house. Mr. Yu said that the deal is, he provide lunch and dinner and in return, we contribute towards his house. Nothing big, just something simple. It could be either fix the roof, repair something, cut a rubber tree or just decorate. So if you're not bringing anything to contribute, at least bring some ideas along to "rescue" the house in any way possible. And if you don't even do that, then Mr. Yu will make you mop the floor*
10.00pm: We do the contributions that we promised.
12.00midnight: Sleep, play, watch the fireflies, or do whatever you want to do
*Our dear chemistry teacher said that we have to get at least a little sleep, so you can't stay up all night long. Also, there are two rooms in the house. One for the girls to sleep in and one for the guys. The girls' bedroom is on the right. It is smaller than the boys' bedroom and has a bed which four people can sleep on. So either we take turns to sleep, or the others sleep on the floor. We decide there and then, after seeing the bedroom. As for the guys, do whatever you want, your bedroom is bigger, but I've no clue how you all will fit in there.*
7.00am: Wake up and wash up.
9.00am: Leave the house and walk back to the KTM station.
*You can stay longer as well, but Mr. Yu is afraid that we will get bored because we will have nothing to do. And nothing is decided for breakfast yet. Maybe near the KTM station as we're leaving. Please give suggestions as to what to do for breakfast, and after that.*
So, overall, if you arrange it in ascending order, it is as follows:
KTM - Mall - A&W - Another mall - Town - Bus - Temple - House - Barbecue - Play - Sleep - Breakfast - Go back
Did i miss anything?
Please suggest as to how we can make this trip more fun.
Announcement: Hon Sing and Weng Fai have confirmed that they're not going!
The House!
Here we present to you
Date : Either 11-12/12 or 12-13/12
Time : To be confirmed later
The Casts : Sr 5 Hope 2008
Directed by : CH3CHOOH
Stay Tune....
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Biology & Physics...
yet to come..
Everyone strive for A's and ur best shot anyway..
Yet i am the most tiring one i think so..
Coz monday is biology..
then tuesday is physics..
I scare insufficient time to study..
I dun wna like chemistry..
Study for 7 hours and slept for 2 hours..
Exam is a horrible period for me and anyone of us..
I think most of us had a panda eye on ur face..
Anyway, we still got 3 papers to come..(4 is for Kai Tian)
Biology,Physics and EST for me..
Some is Biology,Account and EST..
Another some is Physics,Account and EST..
Another de le.. Biology,Account and EST..
Another some.. Biology,BC and EST..
Lastly, Physics,BC and EST..
Hope all of u in Senior 5 Hope can do ur best..
Hope can see you all in the future after the SPM..
I will miss you all..
Maybe all of us will seldom see each other anymore..
Especially me..
Maybe i am going to Sarawak for my further education..
(Depends on my result) T.T""
Chase ur dream..
But dun ever let the dream overtake u..
(simplify from the poem 'IF")
Keep in touch..
Find a day for gathering for all the Senior 5 Hope students..
Besides Seremban..
To.. Mr SHY SHY Fishy Yu..
Can u quickly list out the things that we need to bring..
Its gonna December soon..
Saya tidak bersabar-sabar sampai ke hari itu saya sudah nak pergi ke situ liao..
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tomorrow.. Haiz.. =.="
Tomorrow all of us from Senior 5 Hope will have to face our
Dearest Chemistry SPM Examination for 2008..
Except Hon Sing.. So good..
ZzZZZ... I hope day Malaysia should had not have this examination..
Giving students so much stress especially is ME..
Hope that 2morrow Chemistry is easy for me..
I hope i wont grown up..
Unfortunately, CANT..
Be a kid is much more better than be adult..
Be an adult..
Need to think about future the bla bla things..
Many things need to be considered about it..
Marriage,Career,Financial and many more..
Be a kid have no stress and tension..
Can someone suggest me which college or university is better??
For my studies..
Chemical Engineering..
I had found 1 university at Sarawak..
Name: University of Technology Curtin, Miri,Sarawak...
Can someone give me comment about this university...
Thx a lot..
Good luck to Senior 5 Hope students for
2morrow Chemistry SPM Exam'08..

Friday, November 14, 2008
We've Graduated...
Today, the 14th of November 2008 was truly a memorable day for the Form Fives. The reason i'm saying this is because WE'VE GRADUATED...

I added this picture for Mr. Yu, since he said that if I did not add his picture in this post, he would cancel the Seremban trip.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
SPM, Graduation, and so much more...

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Seremban Here We Go..
This trip will be held on 11 Dec - 12 Dec 08..
Hope every 5 Hope student will go to Seremban..
Go Mr.Yu grand grand father's house..
Everyone just imagine about his house..
Everyone was weird with his house..
He talk until his house how interesting.. zZZ..
Let's all of us see..
You all can sit ktm either take u all own transport..
I advise all of u..
Sit ktm will have much more fun..
We can chat during the trip..
Futhermore, the cost of ktm is much more cheaper than petrol..
Think about it.. guyz..
Recommended activities:
Playing mahjong..
Playing cards..
(to be added..)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Class Magazine Page
Done in 3 days. By Me, Kai and Edmund (+ Tact for saying lots of jokes). Suggestions from the whole class. This is the final version. Thanks Siew Mun for lending me her camera for half day.
- GC -
Do you see what i see?